17 February 2012

Trend of Fairy Tales is long gone...

Trend of fairy tales is long gone.. Prince Charmings are side tracked by Vampires and Knights in shining armor are over shadowed by Wizards.

Yes, I am talking about the masterpieces by Stephenie Meyer and J.K.Rowlings, that has created a whole new fantasy world around us.

I remember, my childhood passed listening to Cindrella, SnowWhite, Repunzel, Sleeping Beauty and others where a princess is trapped by some evil force or magical spells and a handsome, young Prince suited in shining armor, galloping on a white horse comes to her rescue and fights with a dragon, release the Princess from evil spell and they live happily ever after.
But that was long ago. After Harry Potter and the Twilight series, the trend is a bit changed, now the damsel wants the 'distress'. The dreams of Prince Charming are are beaten by the Vampires, Robert Pattinson playing a more than a hundred year old vampire Edward Cullen, considered as the handsomest and most romantic guy ever (besides ASHER) is an exceptional love interest of evey other girl.Young women are captivated by his deeply romantic character, his love, passion and sense or security for his love interest is what makes him a perfect guy that undoubtedly donot exist in this world.
On the other hand Wizards of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft are the real heros, no need to wear that heavy metal dress and enter the arena to defeat a dragon. Here, all you need is a magic wand, say the spell and you're done! Even a 11 year old orpahn kid whose been ill-treated all his life can do that, face the Dark Lord Voldemort and make him pay for his deeds.The adventure by three kids Harry Potter, Ron and Harmoine are so damn fictitious, though, they are the heros.The series has spellbound the readers in such a way that it will be remembered always even when the series is finished.

I, myself think sometimes that why do I watch these films when they don't make any sense in the real world, may be because they are are an escape from the reality we are facng everyday.. 



  1. wow !!! stupendous ...loved it.

  2. wow great :) exactly thats the case. .the realities around us are so harsh that these fantasies look even beautiful and astounding than they are. . They look more real and close to heart than our actual surroundings..

  3. Sure we are done with the knights and the glowing armor but the knights, wizards, vampires etc are very much taken from the old time stories, myths and legends. The concepts are taken from the real world and fabricated into fantasy. If we research their background we would find ourselves very close to reality instead of being able to avoid it by reading these fairy tales. So the writers actually do a lot of research and even take notions from the real world, hey that’s why they are called omniscient narrators. But harry potter and twilight are great works for literature especially for the 21st century when ‘change’ is the demand. Good going though, nice blog.

  4. hahahah shukar we r in de same group :P

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fantasic words ! turely refelect my feelings !

  7. tremendouss one..!!!! the best one!! :) da first thing dat came to my mind after reading dis, "u r a queen of words.." :P

  8. irrelevant blog

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. excuse me?? may i knw whats irrelevant in this??

  9. Actually your blog title is to how to resort the problems not to find ways to escape from the reality.. so IRRELEVANT blog

    1. your comment is irrelevant Mr..!!! jxt look the creativity..!! no need to criticize smone widout any reason!!!

    2. mr/ms whoever.. go check the title again.. em not resorting ne prblms hre i've just given my views over the books! :p

    3. well whoeva u r mr or miss ...we are on for criticism but u have no right to talk on our agenda

  10. You have zero common sense miss :P how can u judge that an anonymous is male or female i dint criticize your blog why you poking your nose,,,

    1. we are same group her business my business!!! i'm going to poke my nose!!

  11. nice piece!!! and wonderful use of words..... lakin... topic kis ka hai :p

    by the way gr8 work!!

  12. grt work sis....<3<3
    tusi great ho.....
    gud going....

  13. sana great work,wel i didn`t know ur so creative!!it waz worth reading:)) SEHRISH!!

  14. Partially agree with you ! Don't forget a Thief in the line of Vampire, Werewolves and wizards, I am referring to Flynn Rider. Well, very well done. =)

  15. hahh.. hez my all tym fav .. damn how can i forget him??!
    and thanku for appreciation. :)
