22 April 2012

Siachen "Bundle of Roses"

The base point of siachen gyari sector turned into frost graveyard when a 80ft tall and 1 kilometer broad ice glacier slide down on the battalion headquarter on April 7th 2012. A figure of 135 bodies are stuck under it or probably died. It’s been 14 days since the rescue teams are digging the glacier in search of life under it.

Sia means rose and Chen means bundle in Chinese. Siachen is a Chinese name which means bundle of roses. While there is no hope of oxygen there. Siachen is considered as the highest battleground of the world. India and Pakistan have been fighting on this ground since 1984. Its daily expenditure is 150 million and India spends 5 times more than us. The peak has -30 temperature in summers which goes up to -50 in winters. The soldiers are not only fighting with each other but against the weather. A soldier dies in every 3 days due to outrageous climate, but the moral is still very high of our army.  They still want to die for their homeland.

How awful is that the whole city sets on fire stop working when even a councilor dies, but no President, Prime Minister visited the place of incident, and no appreciating visit was given to the rescue teams to buck them up.

And the statements of our political leadership in these conditions are not appropriate. Why to bring our soldiers down first just to set an example for India that we are more courteous. Just to show courtesy to our most favorite state. We should definitely get our forces down, we should not let them die there fighting against the weather but India has to take the step first we did not go for the war first so we should not quit first. The blood of our soldiers should waste like this that we quit on the war ground.  Our army has suffered a lot we just should not let it go like this.

1 comment:

  1. the bravery of pak army in the coldest battle-field and the most dangerous, is exemplery our force is the symbol of bravery, its dedication and professionalism in the whole world..no matter what so ever our so-called-so-patroitic leaders have to say on siachen and to our brave soldiers.WE ,the nation, is united with PAK- ARMY on siachen incident.. again hirah baji you are a genious, i have never read this much information about siachen before =)) THUMBS UP to you..inshAllah you have a very long way to go

    syeda noor
